About Opus Financial Solutions LLC

"Opus" is defined as a great work of art. Just as a painting reflects an artist's vision put to canvas, or a musical composition is the expression of a composer's vision through sound, every individual or family has a vision for their future - their goals in terms of needs, wants, and wishes. Pursuing these life goals is creating a personal Opus, and we are there to support the pursuit of your goals. By integrating financial planning, investment management and taxes, we help you create the life you envision. Your life ... your Opus. 

As you evaluate financial advisors for guidance on planning, investments, and taxes, following are some things you should know about Opus Financial Solutions. 

We Are Fiduciaries.

A fiduciary is a professional entrusted to manage assets or wealth while putting the client's best interests first at all times. Financial advisors who follow a fiduciary standard must disclose any conflict, or potential conflict, to their clients before and during the advisory engagement. Fiduciaries will also adopt a code of ethics and fully disclose how they are compensated. As a Registered Investment Advisor, we are required by law to act as fiduciaries to our clients. In addition, all three of Opus' advisors are CFP® certificants, and under the CFP Board's Standards of Conduct, we owe a Fiduciary Duty to our clients among other obligations. The full CFP Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct is available by clicking HERE.  

We Are Fee-Only.

We are exclusively compensated directly by our clients. We never receive any commissions, and we never receive any compensation for referrals given, nor pay any compensation for referrals received. The majority of our clients compensate us via a percentage of assets managed, while some clients compensate us on an hourly or on a flat fee basis for more limited projects. In all cases, our compensation is fully disclosed and agreed upon prior to providing any services, and ongoing fees are fully disclosed via periodic invoices. In short, you will never wonder how we are being compensated or if there is a kickback or behind the scenes compensation associated with a specific recommendation. 

We Are Knowledgeable and Experienced.

Opus' advisors have extensive backgrounds in the financial services industry. Of course, all of our backgrounds are a little different, and that diversity of experience allows us to be a more effective team by tapping into each other's knowledge and experience. Opus is in the limited company of firms where its advisors hold both the CFP (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM) and CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) professional designations in addition to several more academic and professional credentials. For more information on each of our advisors, please see the Your Advisory Team section of our site. 

We Offer Comprehensive Advice.

While the financial services industry is highly regulated, there are some loopholes. For example, there is no official definition of the term "Financial Advisor" and as a result, pretty much anyone can claim to be a financial advisor. For example, an insurance sales representative who isn't a fiduciary and is simply intent on selling you an insurance policy can call themselves a Financial Advisor. A broker who only wants to trade stocks on your behalf, earning a commission on every trade, can call themselves a Financial Advisor. A CPA whose only recommendation is that you make an IRA contribution to get a deduction can call themselves a Financial Advisor. At Opus, we believe a more comprehensive approach is warranted. We will help define your financial goals which may include retirement, college planning, insurance needs, investment needs, estate planning, tax planning and filing*, and more. It is the prioritization and synthesis of a comprehensive strategy which we believe truly makes us Financial Advisors. 

*Tax filing services are included for qualified clients, and available for an additional fee for non-qualified clients. 

We Are Not the Right Firm for Everyone.

Our practice is focused on developing strong, lasting relationships with our clients. We want to work with clients who can benefit from our ongoing advice which can change as circumstances change - which they inevitably do. It is difficult to add value through limited, one-time engagements. The longer we work with a client, the more we understand their passions - whether work related, personal, family, charity, or something else. These relationships are what makes us better advisors as it allows for customization of strategies for each client, allowing an opportunity to add value over time. For more about our typical clients, please see the Who We Serve section of our site.  

It’s Really About You—Not Us.

Each advisor at Opus made the decision to work directly with clients to help those clients pursue their life goals. There is no greater joy than being able to tell a client that they can meet a goal because of the planning which has been done. Every client has unique life goals, which makes every client's planning process about them, not us. That's why we say "Your Life ... Your Opus."

The Value Added by Working with a Professional Advisor

As you evaluate the services offered by Opus Financial Solutions, you likely are also evaluating other options such as taking the DIY (do-it-yourself) approach or working through a robo-advisor. A frequent question regards the value of working with a professional advisor. In the past several years, there has been more and more research aimed at quantifying the value of financial advice. We include two studies from trusted sources - Vanguard and Ibbotson - below. 

Vanguard Advisor Alpha - "Paying a fee for advice and guidance to a professional who uses the tools and tactics described here can add meaningful value compared to the average investor experience ...."

Ibbotson: Alpha, Beta and Now ... Gamma "When it comes to generating retirement income, investors arguably spend the most time and effort on selecting ”good” investment funds/managers—the so called alpha decision—as well as the asset allocation, or beta, decision. However, alpha and beta are just two elements of a myriad of important financial planning decisions for the average investor, many of which can have a far more significant impact on retirement income."

We Can't Help If You Don't Reach Out.

Our website provides a lot of information on our services, processes, philosophy, etc. However, it's impossible to put together content which specifically addresses each prospective client's needs. The easiest way to determine whether Opus Financial Solutions is a fit for your needs is to reach out and schedule an introductory call by filling out the "Get in Touch" section below. 

Additional information about Opus Financial Solutions is available on the SEC’s website at:  Opus ADV Brochure as of March 2024


Your Advisory Team Our Planning Philosophy Who We Serve

We have a secure online meeting platform and serve clients across the United States. To set up a complimentary call or meeting, please fill out the “Get in Touch” information below.